(This is for Windows 10 only)
Updated: March 19, uses new Manual Setup compatibility
For a simpler automated method, check the v1.2 release post
As the Components page warning states, one of the main limitations of component removal is that while most of updates will install fine, the big cumulative updates will fail to install.
Another important one is that you cannot return removed components or configure features.
The obvious way around that would be to integrate latest updates in the original ISO, editing the image again and reinstalling fresh.
Well, here is the alternative method on Windows 10, if you don’t want to reinstall at this point, but want to return some components, reconfigure features or do a cumulative update.
It sounds like reinstalling, but what it actually does is upgrade/reset your Windows, while migrating files and settings, practically resuming where you were.
The procedure:
- Prepare a Win10 ISO. Now you have two ways of doing this. #1 Load your previous preset to remove components and add new updates. Or #2 Just use full ISO, install that, update via Windows Update, then load your preset Live (C:\Windows) and remove components as before. I recommend the first option, to deploy trimmed and updated
- If you chose to remove components and integrate updates then enable the “Manual Setup” compatibility option in Components. (it protects the needed setup.exe on the ISO), among other needed components for the process. You can remove those later Live together with other Live-only removals.
- Do not use Unattended mode – leave at Default and delete .\autounattend.xml from the ISO
- Start setup from your currently installed Windows (do not boot from the ISO) – run the ISO’s setup.exe from File Explorer
- When asked should you download updates, choose Not right now, unless you are using full ISO and no updates integrated
- Accept the license
- Now the important step; when asked choose to keep files. Do not proceed unless you saw and enabled “Keep personal files and apps“
- Proceed with install, that’s it
- Static IP addresses might be reset, go to the adapter properties and set them again after the upgrade
- For solving a more complex network issues after the upgrade, try resetting the stack with a command “netcfg -d”. That will reinstall all network adapters and start fresh.
Rinse and repeat when needed.
Let me know on the forum, email or comments here if you have any feedback.